Tangerine Vitality Essential Oil

Young Living Tangerine Vitality OilTangerine Vitality™ essential oil (Citrus reticulata) is one of the sweetest flavors of all our citrus Vitality oils. Bringing complex citrus notes to savory dishes and desserts, Tangerine Vitality essential oil is a bright, tangy addition in the kitchen. When you want to give your recipes an extra kick of something unexpected, try reaching for Tangerine Vitality.

More than just another citrus essential oil, Tangerine Vitality oil includes naturally occurring limonene and is an important ingredient in Citrus Fresh™, Joy™, Inner Child™, Peace & Calming®, NingXia Red®, Slique® Essence, and Super C™.

5 ml
Retail$9.87 Buy Now
Wholesale $7.50

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Botanical Family: Rutaceae

Plant Origin: Brazil

Extraction Method: Cold pressed from rind

Key Constituents:

  • Limonene (90-97%)
  • Gamma-Terpinene (0.3-3%)
  • Myrcene (1-%))

How To Use

  • Put 2 drops in a capsule. Take 3 times daily.
  • Add a drop of Tangerine Vitality to a vegetarian gel capsule and take it as a daily dietary supplement to enjoy its many benefits.
  • Add a drop or two of Tangerine Vitality to NingXia Zyng™ for a delicious and tangy twist on our lightly sweetened sparkling drink.
  • Give your marinades a sweet kick by adding Tangerine Vitality instead of Lemon Vitality or Lime Vitality.
  • Infuse your water by adding a few drops with to encourage yourself to drink more during the day.
  • Try adding a little Tangerine Vitality to your salad dressing for a wonderful citrus zing.
See Tangerine Essential Oil
Same premium oil.
Different label for use as

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
