Purification Essential Oil Looking for a quick way to freshen the air after dinner or when the kids get home from soccer...
Thieves® Home Cleaning Kit The Thieves Home Cleaning Kit is the perfect introduction to natural cleaning and provides you with a foundation of...
Select 30 Oil Collection Featuring some of Young Living’s most popular essential oils, the Select 30™ Oil Collection is an extensive collection you’ll...
Audio: Lemon, Purification, Citronella Transcript by Deb Welcome, everyone to Young Living’s educational series. We’re here again with Young Living’s Director of Global...
Non-toxic homemade air freshener “I add four drops of Thieves® and four drops of Purification® to an 8-ounce spray bottle filled with water....
Smokey house purified in 30 minutes “Purification® cleared out a smoke-filled house within 30 minutes or less. I used two diffusers—one in a bedroom and...
Purification is perfect companion in the wild “I’ve been using Purification® for years. Whenever I go to the mountains in the summertime or visit relatives in Minnesota, I...
Headache-free Purification Protection While Outdoors “I am so in love with Purification® essential oil blend! We spent four days at a music festival and...