Carmen Pita: Young Living Ft Hood, Killeen TX

Carmen Pita: Young Living Distributor Killeen TXI was born in Puerto Rico and raised here in the United States since age 7. My family, being from the island, always believed in home made remedies from the nature. I grew up in that mentality and it has been my preference all my life. When I heard about Young Living Essential oils through a friend at my son’s school, my heart fell in love with them. Totally hooked! My son had a fever one time and I applied three YL oils and the fever broke within a day.

I thank my Heavenly Father for the leaves, for the trees that He provided for the healing of the nations. (Rev 22-2) I want to share with others the pure joy and healthy living with Young Living Oils.


Carmen Pita
Young Living Independent  Distributor # 1720626
Ft Hood & Killeen TX

Oils of the Bible

Young Living Reconnect Kit

Young Living Raindrop Technique


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