Tami Bunch: Young Living in Broken Arrow & Tulsa OK

Tami Bunch Young Living Tulsa OKMy name is Tami and I use Essential Oils. Yes, that would be how I would introduce myself in a support group. I stumbled on them by accident years ago. I was doing an internet search on “comparing make-up” and found an article titled, “Is Your Make-up Killing You?” What? What do you mean is my make-up killing me? That was my introduction to the toxins and chemicals put in our personal care products, our water, our food, our make-up, just about anything and everything.

I researched and read whatever I could get my hands on, read the stuff saying the chemicals weren’t bad then read the stuff saying they were bad. I came to the conclusion that they are bad, very bad. Whether or not ‘they’ knew in the beginning, when they first started using these chemicals, ‘they’ know now. As awareness is growing, things are starting to change. Part of that change is people taking responsibility for their own wellness, their own health, doing their own research.

I started that research in 2005 when I signed up with Young Living. Yes, I’ve strayed and tried other less expensive “natural” products, but they just didn’t compare. I always come back to Young Living.

Tami Bunch
Young Living Independent  Distributor # 819490
Broken Arrow, OK 74012

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